What we do

WaterLIFE – Healthy Rivers for People and Nature

WaterLIFE is a three year project, funded through the EU’s LIFE+ Programme for the Environment, being implemented by WWF-UK, The Rivers Trust and the Westcountry Rivers Trust.

Rivers really are the lifeblood of the country and yet, throughout Europe, they are under threat. The fundamental objective of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to protect, enhance and restore all of Europe’s water bodies through the delivery of River Basin Management Plans which should be developed by member states working with communities and companies. These have the potential to deliver real and exciting improvements to our water bodies, but, to date, they have fallen short.

The threats our rivers face can’t be solved by one organisation alone; communities, business and government need to work together to tackle them effectively. We must have the right conditions to deliver the radical change that’s needed, as well as the means and opportunities to talk to each other, develop successful and innovative approaches, and share best practice.

This is where WaterLIFE can help to deliver change. We will:

  • Accelerate the implementation of the WFD and improve the freshwater environment
  • Work with communities, business and government agencies to deliver exciting initiatives in five catchments in England and Wales
  • Share these successes across the UK and Europe so they can be repeated by others elsewhere